Res-Systemica, Volume N°2, Numéro Spécial :
Actes du V° Congrès Européen de Systémique, Octobre 2002, Crête.

Res-Systemica, Volume N°2, Special Issue:
Proceedings of the fifth European Systems Science Congress, October 2002, Crete

Titres par ordre alphabétique des auteurs
(Cliquer sur un titre pour afficher le texte correspondant)

Titles by authors alphabetical order.
(Click on a title to display the full paper)

article 01
La prise en compte du contexte dans le développement d’un système logiciel interactif : Apports de la Systémique et nouvelles perspectives
Françoise Adreit & Serge-André Mahé

article 02
Formal Analogies between classical “Basic Units”, in both Language Science and other Scientific domains
Evelyne Andreewsky

article 03
A Systemic Approach for Modeling Virtual Enterprise’s Management Features
Nikitas A. Assimakopoulos  &  Aggeliki D. Theodosi

article 04
International E – Taxation of E – Commerce using Systemic Analysis
Nikitas A. Assimakopoulos, George K. Kotsimpos, Anastasios N. Riggas

article 05
A Systemic Approach for an Open Internet Billing System
Nikitas A. Assimakopoulos, Anastasis N. Riggas & Giorgos K. Kotsimpos

article 06
Designing a Collective Undertaking and Systemic Modelling: Potentially Fertile Concepts
Marie-José Avenier

article 07
Reconnaître et dépasser la violence ordinaire
Bernard Balcet

article 08
A management model of a company’s knowledge system via learning control
Françoise Barthelme-Trapp & Béatrice Vincent

article 09
Sustainable development and trade regulation on the economic activities
G. Basset & P. Robert-Demontrond

article 10
"The Bioethism" paradigm
Jean-Jacques Blanc

article 11
Mathematical modelling and curve fitting for the study of respiratory system parameters
Taxiarchis Botsis, John Mantas, Stelios Halkiotis

article 12
The Evolutionary “Shuttle” of the Living Systems
Pierre Bricage

article 13
Un système de gestion écologique  intégré
Béatrice Canel-Depitre

article 14
From Context to System and Back. How Systems Emerge from Actors Cognitive and Social Interactions. A System Dynamics Perspective
Gianluca Colombo & Edoardo Mollona

article 15
Pragmatisme, expertise et énoncés scientifiques
Michel Daynac

article 16
Strategy as the art of designing contexts: coupling discourses to narratives
Valérie-Inés de La Ville

article 17
Ethical investments as a system of regulation of the economic activities
P. Robert-Demontrond

article 18
Un exemple français d'enseignement de la systémique à l'Université
Gérard Donnadieu

article 19
De quelques illustrations de la trialectique
Gérard Donnadieu

article 20
De l'évolution dans les religions
Gérard Donnadieu

article 21
Hypothèse fractaquantique
François Dubois

article 22
How to act in front of a major disaster?
François Dubois & Pierre Marchand

article 23
Pour une pédagogie opérationnelle de l'approche systémique
Daniel Durand & Emmanuel Nunez

article 24
Y3K: Beyond Systems Design as we know it?
Gordon Dyer

article 25
A Formal Model for the Representation of Processes having an Internal Structure
Eleni Galiotou & Gérard Ligozat

article 26
An Axiomatic Approach to the Study of Mind
Petros A. M. Gelepithis

article 27
Knowledge Enabling Strategies
Petros A. M. Gelepithis & N. Parillon

article 28
Recognition of the Orthodox Hellenic Byzantine Music Notation using a new OCR System
Velissarios G. Gezerlis & Sergios Theodoridis

article 29
Role of cognitive representations in the safety of complex organizations
Stéphane Gres & Jean-François Vautier

article 30
Semantic Modeling in Morpheme-based Lexica for Greek
M. Grigoriadou, E. Papakitsos & G. Philokyprou

article 31
Reflections on Ludwig von Bertalanfy’s “General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications”
Shelia Guberman

article 32
Microcalcifications in digital mammograms.
Stelios Halkiotis, John Mantas & Taxiarchis Botsis

article 33
Multilevel webs : proactive influence on Markets
Christine Hardy

article 34
Cognitive systems and the special order of their environment
Uri Hershberg & Anat Ninio

article 35
Idealization-based Marketing with Global Market Ceiling for Global Ecology: Automobile Industry as Example
Yoshihide Horiuchi

article 36
The system and its information. An intercultural approach
Georg Ivanovas

article 37
Social norms as a system of regulation of the economics activities
Philippe Robert-Demontrond & Anne Joyeau

article 38
Systemic theory in classrooms: Results from the CL-Net and the ITCOLE projects.
Vassilios P. Kollias & Stella Vosniadou

article 39
System Modeling by Computer using Biomedical Texts
J. Kontos, I. Malagardi, J. Peros & A. Elmaoglou

article 40
A Virtual Robotic Agent that learns Natural Language Commands
J. Kontos,  I. Malagardi & M. Bouligaraki

article 41
Differences between Experts and Novices in fin swimming: a Cognitive System Analysis
Maria Koulianou & Stella Vosniadou

article 42
Méta-entretien et projet professionnel
Noureddine Kridis

article 43
« Le modélique et le paramodélique dans les sciences sociales : l’exemple d’une systémique fondée sur l’échange »
Simon Laflamme

article 44
How far can Q? analysis go into social systems understanding?
Jacky Legrand

article 45
Dynamique de la technique et dynamique de l’organisation
Pierre Lépée

article 46
System Dynamics and Organization Dynamics: state of the art and issues
Michel Liu

article 47
Situation post fusion dans une entreprise de service
Pascale Loussouarn

article 48
Eco-management et stakeholders. Référentiels d'entreprise, contextualisation et modélisation heuristique
Alain Charles Martinet

article 49
Introduction to a Systemic Theory of Meaning
Christophe Menant

article 50
Music and Systems Architecture
Gianfranco Minati

article 51
L’évolution  s’inscrit  dans  un continuum  bio-sociologique  induit par  le  changement
E. A. Nunez

article 52
The “Global village” at issue : new problems for the regulation on social agenda of the economic behaviors
E. Oiry & P. Robert-Demontrond

article 53
Social charts as a system of regulation of the economic activities
Sandra Palmero & Philippe Robert-Demontrond

article 54
Holonic property : expected consequences on society and globalization
Nicholas Paritsis

article 55
L’opacité du système politico-administratif français ; essai de modélisation complexe
Pascal Roggero & Claude Vautier

article 56
Individus et temporalités dans l’action de la communauté Internationale en situation de post-conflit : L’exemple de la Bosnie-Herzégovine
Serge Rumin

article 57
Les systémions : un modèle d'agents logiciels ontiques
Eric Sanchis

article 58
The evolution of political systems : the effects of globalization
Marie-Noëlle Sarget

article 59
How To Operate with Strong Emergence Concept: from psycho-cognitive system to social system
Jean-Michel Sauvage

article 60
Entre situations paradoxales et modélisation, l'apport de la systémique dans le management des entreprises
Christophe Schmitt

article 61
Can Real Life Complex Systems Be Interpreted with the Usual Dualist Physicalist Epistemology - Or is a Holistic Approach Necessary?
Eric Schwarz

article 62
A Systems Holistic Interpretation of the Present State of the Contemporary Society and its Possible Futures
Eric Schwarz

article 63
A System for Computer Aided Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer based on Microcalcifications Analysis
G. M. Spyrou, M. G. Nikolaou, M. Koussaris, A. Tsibanis, S. D. Vassilaros & P. A. Ligomenides

article 64
Emergence of Paths in Robot Simulation
G.Tascini, A. Montesanto & I. De Cesaris

article 65
Using Cognitive Categories for an Interactive Diagnostic Learner Model of Historical Text Comprehension
Grammatiki Tsaganou, Maria Grigoriadou & Theodora Cavoura

article 66
Design Criteria of a Modeling Environment based on the Notion of Functional System
Erminia  Vaccari

article 67
Temps et Systèmes
Robert Vallée

article 68
A way to diffuse the systemic thinking : the collection of papers
Jean-François Vautier & Teri Vau

article 69
Storytelling: its role in information visualization
Wita Wojtkowski & W. Gregory Wojtkowski

article 70
Une démarche humaniste dans le monde normatif de la gestion: de l'approche fonctionnaliste à l'approche compréhensive
Zahir Yanat